I am thinking about getting rid of my att inter
net but my main
email is xxxxx@sbcglobal.net and I know I cant keep that email. So I would be changing my email address is there an easy way of figuring out what all Im using the email for. Im signed up for all kinds of stuff and I have like 4000 messages spanning about 5 years. This is a big hurdle holding me to my service. But they wont let us upgrade to the highest speed because all the slots are filled in our area I guess. Id really rather not go through all these emails because I dont have time.Changing email address easy way of figuring out what all Im using the email for.?configure your sbc email to work w
ith outlook e
xpress or outlook whichever you have, then download all of your emails to your computer..
should take 5 minutes total...
Then you have a copy of everything.
i'll argue the fact that whatever it is you're signed up for, if you don't remember it's proooooooobably not that important anyway. if it is imporant, you'd recall it off the top of your head Or it would be in your bookmarks somewhere on your browser. if you remember later, sign up again, or... log in and change the info.
good luck....
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